About us

About us
We are Simon and Carolin. Growing up in the Swabian south of Germany, both shy and reserved back then, we could never have imagined living in another country today and following God’s calling for us in such an adventurous way.
“I would have never dreamed that God would call me to Africa and put it on my heart to speak in front of crowds.”
As a trained carpenter and a trained special needs teacher, we flew to Africa together for the first time in 2018. God used this journey to put the desire to go on missions on our hearts, independently of one another. When the day came to communicate with each other, we firmly believed that God had a bigger plan, and we prepared specifically for it.
In January 2020, we moved to Kenya, still not knowing what to expect. During a settling-in phase and through many new valuable encounters, we got to know the country better and better and tried to hear God’s heartbeat for our mission. Little by little, we developed an ever greater passion for sharing the gospel and founded LJM on February 2, 2021.
Simon & Carolin Haberstroh
Our mission
„Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to all people“
(The Bibel, Mark 16:15)
These are Jesus’ words to His disciples. He tells them to take the gospel to all peoples: a message that includes how much God loves people and why we are allowed to belong to God’s family.
It is our greatest heartfelt desire that as many people as possible get to know Jesus as Savior and King, that they open up to His Word and that their lives are changed. We take this mission seriously and implement it with the means given to us. We go to people, tell them about Jesus, and believe that He wants to meet them personally and heal them.
We are convinced that Jesus lives in us and enables us to live a life that honors Him and spreads His kingdom on earth. However, we can only pass on what we have received. It is therefore our personal ambition to meet God on a regular basis, to get to know Him and to absorb His wisdom. What we have been given and shown by God, we want to pass on selflessly.
Our mission is to follow Jesus’ voice and carry the good news wherever He leads us. Under “Projects” you can find out how we put this into practice. We believe that we are not alone in this, but that YOU can become part of our vision. You are cordially invited to support us with your prayer, your finances or your resources.
Our vision
„In a God-given vision, I saw the African continent from above. I saw two wedding rings over Africa that moved towards each other and then united.”
Simon Haberstroh
The two rings stand for Jesus and the African bride. The people of Africa are ready to marry Him. Ready to accept Jesus as their Savior, Jesus eagerly awaits His church and we have the privilege of leading His bride to Him.
We want to reach millions of people in Africa with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, lead them into God’s presence and sustainably strengthen their faith. We count on signs and wonders, the release by the Holy Spirit as well as the calling and equipping of new Christians for evangelism. The decision to live with God should not only change the lives of these people, but should also have a far-reaching impact on entire communities, peoples and nations.
Our creed
We believe in the triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God created the world and loves and sustains it.
Man was separated from God by sin. God the Father, out of His lavish love, sent His Son Jesus into this world to die on behalf of the guilt of all humanity. Through His death, God freed us from the power of sin, gave us forgiveness and the possibility of eternal life.
Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Only through faith can we accept God’s gift of grace for us, be justified before Him, and receive eternal life.
The Holy Spirit reveals and testifies to God in this world. Through Him, people realize that God exists and that Jesus’ message is true. Everyone who believes in Jesus, receives the Holy Spirit, who enables him to live according to God’s will. The Holy Spirit is a guide in the Christian life.
Our core values
“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”
(The Bibel, John 15:4)
We call ourselves “Live in Jesus” Ministries because we want to remind ourselves every day that He is our bubbling source from which we draw life. Our 7 core values express what a life in Jesus means to us:
Love & discipleship
Because God loves us and gave Himself for us in Jesus, we want to love Him back with everything we have. For us, discipleship means to love, honor and fear God more than anything and anyone else in this world.
We live in constant dependence on God’s supply and count on His intervention. We depend on His miracles in our ministry.
God is Lord and King and we obey Him. As children of God, we have the honor to serve Him and to cooperate in His Kingdom.
God’s standard
We do not want to limit God by our human standards. We have big dreams and plan on the basis of His possibilities. If we can do things on our own, our faith is definitely too small.
Guided by the Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God’s power and help for and in us. We want to be guided by Him in every decision that affects our ministry. We also want to live a lifestyle in which the supernatural work of God is “normal”.
God’s presence
It is important to us to welcome God’s presence and to create space for His work. Nevertheless, it is not us, but God’s Spirit alone, whose presence can completely change people and move them to repentance.
Deliverance & restoration
God in His love wants to give people new life. So we receive His good gifts every day and are open to His touching closeness, to signs and wonders, change, healing, deliverance and restoration.